Neuro-Cognitive Rehabilitation Research Network

The Neuro-Cognitive Rehabilitation Research Network (NCRRN) was a 10-year collaborative effort between investigators from Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute and from the Laboratory for Cognition and Neural Stimulation and the Center for Functional Neuroimaging at the University of Pennsylvania. NCRRN was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NCMRR/NICHD) from 2001 to 2012.

The Mission

  • Synthesize and disseminate the tools necessary to refine promising treatments for cognitive impairment
  • Understand their mechanisms of action
  • Gather preliminary data about their clinical impact to support larger efficacy trials


Learn more about the innovations developed through our research.

ASHA Convention in Philadelphia on November 18th, 2010

Ruth Fink, Gail Ramsberger, Elizabeth Rochon and Anastasia Raymer
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, University of Toronto, University of Colorado and Old Dominion University

Daniel Mirman, Ted J. Strauss, Adelyn Brecher, Grant M. Walker, Paula Sobel, Gary S. Dell, and Myrna F. Schwartz

Myrna F. Schwartz, PhD, Daniel Y. Kimberg, PhD, Grant Walker, Olufunsho Faseyitan, Adelyn R. Brecher, MS, Gary Dell, PhD and H. Branch Coslett, MD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania, University of Illinois

Laurel Buxbaum, PsyD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, Thomas Jefferson University

Erica L. Middleton, PhD, and Myrna F. Schwartz, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute

Errorless Learning and Spaced Retrieval in Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Contrast of Principles—February 2012 (PDF)

Daniel Mirman, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute

Empirical answers to four questions in analysis of time series data—November 2011 (PDF)

Tessa Hart, PhD, and Janet M. Powell, PhD, OTR/L
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute and Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Univ. of Washington

Principles of Learning for Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation—June 2011 (PDF)

Paul Nagelkerke, MSc, and Amanda Dawson, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute

Eyetrack Collection Documentation (PDF)

John Whyte, MD, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute

The Role of Treatment Theory and Enablement Theory in Shaping Rehabilitation Treatment Studies—November 2010 (PDF)

Ruth B. Fink, MA, and Myrna F. Schwartz, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute

Evaluating technology for rehabilitation: A model for promoting programmatic research—June 2010 (PDF)

John Detre, MD
Neurology, University of Pennsylvania

Incidental Findings in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research – December 2008 (PDF)

Daniel Y. Kimberg, PhD
University of Pennsylvania

Voxel-based mapping of lesion-behavior relationships—Revision 2, July 2009 (PDF)

Junghoon Kim, PhD, Brian Avants, PhD, Sunil Patel, MS, and John Whyte, MD, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute

Spatial normalization of injured brains for neuroimaging research: An illustrative introduction of available options – Nov. 24, 2008 (PDF)

Allen Osman, PhD
University of Pennsylvania

Brain-Computer Interfaces for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation—Sept. 14, 2008 (PDF)

Laurel Buxbaum, PsyD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, Thomas Jefferson University

Virtual Reality Technology for Assessment and Treatment of Rehabilitation Patients: Considerations for Research – August, 2008 (PDF)

Daniel Y. Kimberg, PhD
University of Pennsylvania

A functional connectivity primer—July, 2008 (PDF)

John Whyte, MD, PhD, and Tessa Hart, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, Thomas Jefferson University and Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Jefferson Medical College

Developing Observational Rating Scales—July 2, 2008 (PDF)

John Whyte, MD, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, Thomas Jefferson University

Use of Placebos for Drug Research in Rehabilitation: Factors to Consider in Pilot Studies and Clinical Trials—April 24, 2008 (PDF)

H. Branch Coslett, MD
University of Pennsylvania

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Safety Considerations—November, 2007 (PDF)

Tessa Hart, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute and Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Jefferson Medical College

Treatment Definition in Experience-Based Rehabilitation Research—June 11, 2007 (PDF)

Gerry A. Stefanatos, DPhil, and Allen Osman, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute and University of Pennsylvania

Introduction to the application of event-related potentials in cognitive rehabilitation research—April 5, 2007 (PDF)

Adelyn R. Brecher, MS, and Myrna F. Schwartz, PhD
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute

A HIPAA-compliant strategy for recruiting patients for research—March 22, 2007 (PDF)

Download editable Word documents for your own use.

Allen Osman, PhD, Yoko Ieuji, BA, and Gerry A. Stefanatos, DPhil
University of Pennsylvania and Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute

ERP Source Localization in Neuro-Cognitive Rehabilitation Research—March 22, 2007 (PDF)

EEG/ERP: Potential Applications for tDCS (PDF)

David A. Wolk, MD
Assistant Professor Department of Neurology
Assistant Director, Penn Memory Center University of Pennsylvania

GluCEST: High Resolution Imaging of Glutamate (PDF)

Ravinder Reddy
Center for Magnetic Resonance and Optical Imaging University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

tDCS Update: Recent Trends and Applications—June 13, 2010 (PDF)

Roy Hamilton, MD, MS

Imaging Physiological Correlates of Neural Function (PDF)

John A. Detre, MD
Director, Center for Functional Imaging
Professor of Neurology
Professor of Radiology

Models for tDCS (PDF)

Marom Bikson, Lucas Parra, Abhishek Datta, Mathias Hueber
Neural Engineering Laboratory—Department of Biomedical Engineering
The City College of New York of CUNY, New York, NY

Response selectivity and aphasic spoken word recognition (PDF)

Dan Mirman
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute
Eiling Yee
University of Pennsylvania
Jim Magnuson
University of Connecticut
Sheila Blumstein
Brown University

Naming pictures and repeating words: Analysis of aphasic production errors and predictions from computational models (PDF)

Gary Dell, Nazbanou Nozari, Audrey Kittredge, and Myrna Schwartz
CogSci 2009
July 30, 2009

Basic Processes in Working Memory and Their Role In Language Comprehension (PDF)

Randi C. Martin L. Robert Slevc Loan Vuong

Autism as late language acquisition: Low-level learning processes (PDF)

Inge-Marie Eigsti
University of Connecticut
July 20, 2009
Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Why is nonword repetition deficient in specific language impairment (SLI)? (PDF)

Dorothy Bishop
University of Oxford

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (PDF)

Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhD
Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Harvard Medical School

Executive Functions (PDF)

Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhD
Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Harvard Medical School
Behavioral Neurology Unit
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Issues in Treatment Study Design (PPT) (Note: File format may no longer be supported.)

John Whyte, MD, PhD
Neuro-Cognitive Rehabilitation Research Network
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute

Research with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Improve Naming in Nonfluent Aphasia (PDF)

Margaret Naeser, PhD
Neuroimaging in Aphasia and TMS to Treat Aphasia Harold Goodglass Boston University Aphasia Research
VA Boston Healthcare System

Neuromodulation for chronic pain (PPT)

Felipe Fregni, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): putative mechanisms of action and clinical effects of a simple and powerful method of brain stimulation (PPT)

Felipe Fregni, MD, PhD
Director, Laboratory of Neuromodulation, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
Berenson-Allen Center for Non-invasive Brain Stimulation,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical School
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School

Transcranial electrical stimulation—tDCS and friends (PPT)

MA Nitsche
Georg-August-University, Dept. Clinical Neurophysiology, Goettingen, Germany

Transcranial direct current stimulation for improvement of motor and sensory functions (PPT)

Michael A. Nitsche
Georg-August-University, Dept. Clinical Neurophysiology

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as a predictor of motor recovery and treatment to enhance recovery of motor function (PPT)

Pablo Celnik, MD
Dept. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Dept. Neurology
Johns Hopkins University

Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in the Investigation and Treatment of Neglect (PPT)

Roy Hamilton, MD, MS
Laboratory for Cognition and
Neural Stimulation
University of Pennsylvania

Project 1: Attention Project (PDF)Laurel Buxbaum, PsyD

Session I Discussion (PDF)

Facilitator: Edwards
Recorder: Kessler

Session II Discussion (PDF)

Discussant: Cohen
Recorders: Fecteau/Oberman

Session III Discussion (PDF)

Discussant: Hamilton
Recorders: Carter/Thothathiri

Session IV Discussion (PDF)

Discussant: Whyte
Recorders: Li/Martin

Session VI Discussion (PDF)

Discussant: Walsh
Recorders: Medina/Wencil

Session VI: Motor Function (PDF)

Breakout Recorder: Dawson

Session VII: Language Breakout (PDF)

Recorder: Turkeltaub

Session VII: Frontal/Executive Breakout (PDF)

Recorder: van Steenburgh

Session VII: Attention Breakout (PDF)

Recorders: Wiener/Kim

Symposium Program (PDF)

Session Title: Methods for Assessing Structural Connectivity: Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) (PDF)

Facilitators: Jennifer Newton, Rüdiger Seitz
Summarizer: Marquez de la Plata

Session Title: Methods for Assessing Functional Connectivity: TMS, ERP, MEG, Statistical Analyses (PDF)

Facilitators: Small and Cohen (Cohen Absent)
Summarizer: Monica Perez and Andy Mayer

Session Title: Imaging Pharmacologic Modulation of Neural Activity in Diffuse Brain Injury: BOLD and Perfusion MRI, ERP, MEG (PDF)

Facilitators: Francois Chollet and John Whyte
Summarizer: Anthony Chen

Session Title: Clarifying Attentional Mechanisms and Studying Neurologic Attention Deficits (Using Imaging) (PDF)

Facilitators: Ayelet Sapir, Branch Coslett
Summarizer: Patricia Arenth

Session Title: Functional neuroimaging within hours and days after stroke or brain injury (PDF)

Facilitators: Argye Hillis, Randolph Marshall
Summarizer: Jacquie Kurland

Session Title: Serial Neuroimaging Over Time (PDF)

Facilitators: John Detre, Richard Wise
Summarizer: Sandy McCombe Waller

Session Title: Neuroimaging as a physiological marker to guide a strategy for rehabilitation (PDF)

Facilitators: Steve Cramer, Bruce Dobkin
Summarizer: Carmen Cirstea

General Discussion (PDF)

Facilitators: Nick Ward, Myrna Schwartz
Summarizer: Steven Jax, Sarah Shomstein