
MossTalk Words 2

What is MossTalk Words 2?

MossTalk Words 2 is an evidence-based computer-assisted treatment program developed for individuals with aphasia. A successor to an earlier version of MossTalk Words, it focuses on strengthening the understanding and production of single words, using a simple, intuitive, adult-oriented interface.

The program contains modules for auditory comprehension, reading comprehension, and word retrieval in one easy-to-use program.

MossTalk Words 2 includes an optional speech recognition feature, which makes it possible for the software to determine and record the accuracy of a spoken response and provide automatic feedback when a picture is named correctly.

Who would benefit from using MossTalk Words?
  • Individuals with language impairments (i.e. aphasia) typically acquired through stroke or head injury.
  • Individuals with learning disabilities and other cognitive impairments.
  • Speech-language pathologists who need to efficiently select and deliver therapy exercises and track results.
  • Independent home users who would benefit from hours of practice in comprehending and producing words, phrases and sentences.
How is MossTalk Words organized?
  • Multi-Modality Matching Module. A series of exercises to facilitate lexical comprehension and vocabulary development (using pictures, spoken or printed words). Types of matching exercises include: picture to pictures; written word to pictures; spoken word to pictures; spoken word to written words.
  • Cued Naming Module. A series of exercises to facilitate single word production (using a hierarchy of spoken and written cues). Vocabulary can be selected based on category (e.g., food, clothing), part of speech (noun, verb) and/or linguistic characteristics (e.g., frequency, semantic relatedness).
  • Core vocabulary Module. A series of matching and naming exercises for the more severely impaired user, featuring a restricted vocabulary of words with high functional significance.

Each of these modules can be accessed through user-friendly interfaces.

What are some of MossTalk Words special features?
  • Vocabulary of more than 400 words
  • Hundreds of exercises and activities
  • Pre-established hierarchy of exercises in each module
  • Customizable to match a disability type and level
  • Optional Speech Recognition feature
  • Multi-modality cueing and feedback
  • Automated record keeping
  • Natural sounding speech
  • Adult-oriented, realistic photographs
System requirements:
  • Windows XP, Vista or 7. (MossTalk hasn’t been fully tested on Windows 8; however, there are no known issues with Windows 8 at this point.)
  • Internet Explorer version 6 or higher.
  • Screen resolution of 1024×768.
To use speech recognition you need the following:
  • Speakers or headset
  • Microphone (USB recommended)
  • Speech recognition functionality added.
  • Updated User’s Guide.
Software contents:

This version contains the 2.0 MossTalk Words program for Windows, and will also automatically install full versions of these software packages:

  • Java 5.17 JS2E Runtime Environment
  • Java 6.18
  • Speech Add-in 1.0 for Microsoft Internet Explorer
Downloading instructions:

Download the files named “MTW2 Quickstart manual.pdf”, “MTW2 Complete manual.pdf” and the “MTW2 Troubleshooting Guide.pdf” by clicking on the download links below, and selecting SAVE to disk in the download window. DO NOT select Run or Open.

  • The Quickstart manual provides basic information regarding installing and using the program.
  • The Complete manual contains detailed instructions (with screenshots) for installing and using the program.
  • The Manuals are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. A PDF viewer can be downloaded from:
  • We strongly recommend printing the Quickstart manual or the ‘Software Installation’ section of the Complete manual before starting the installation.
  • We also recommend having a microphone available to test the speech recognition functions during installation
  • For users already familiar with MossTalk Words, the new speech recognition function is described in the section of the Manual entitled ‘MossTalk Words with Speech Recognition’.

Download MTW2 Quickstart manual.pdf (PDF: 304 kb / 4 pages)

Download MTW2 Complete manual.pdf (PDF: 15mb / 89 pages)

Download MTW2 Troubleshooting Guide.pdf (PDF: 61kb / 1 page)

For inquiries and to request the software, please contact Mary Czerniak (

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