Rehabilitation Research Institute
Research volunteers are essential to our ongoing work. Currently, the Institute maintains a research registry of more than 2,000 people who have experienced a stroke or traumatic brain injury who are interested in participating in our rehabilitation research. People who have not experienced brain injury or stroke are also part of the registry and may participate in research at the Institute.
We recruit research volunteers from rehabilitation hospitals and clinics in Philadelphia and surrounding areas. All information about research volunteers in the registry is kept confidential following federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines.
Research volunteers with stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and Parkinson’s Disease or Parkinson-like symptoms are cordially invited to be part of the registry.
There’s one other critically important way you can become a part of the work of Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute: make a donation. The Institute’s research helps maintain the excellence of Jefferson by drawing the best staff and introducing new medical and technological developments to the field. Your generous donations help make this work possible.