Research Opportunities
Research Registry
Director: Sharon M. Antonucci, PhD, CCC-SLP
Research at Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute is devoted to improving the lives of individuals with neurological disabilities. Researchers study problems with speech and language, attention, memory, movement, and emotional well-being and which treatments work best. Neurorehabilitation research at the Institute tries to understand problems resulting from stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and Parkinson’s Disease or Parkinson-like symptoms.
The Registry allows our researchers to find participants to volunteer for their studies. (Review ongoing research programs at Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute.) Participants may be adults who have had a stroke, TBI, or have Parkinson’s Disease or Parkinson-like symptoms, but may also be people who do not have a history of a neurological condition.
Inpatients and outpatients at Jefferson Moss-Magee Rehabilitation, their family and friends, members of the community, and other interested individuals may be eligible to participate in the Research Registry. We may reach out to you, or you can reach out to us, about being a part of the Registry.
Information of research participants in the Registry is kept confidential following federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines. Research projects that use the Registry are conducted with Institutional Review Board oversight to maintain the highest standard of research ethics.
The Institute’s Research Registry is available as a source of local participants for researchers who are approved to engage in collaborative research with our Institute Faculty.
For more information about the Research Registry, please contact Registry staff.
Research Registry Office
Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute
215-663-7147 or MRRIregistry@jefferson.edu