Moss Traumatic Brain Injury Model System

The Drucker Brain Injury Center at MossRehab has been designated by the federal government as a Traumatic Brain Injury Model System (TBIMS) since 1997.

Directed by Amanda Rabinowitz, PhD, and Thomas Watanabe, MD, the Moss TBIMS provides state-of-the-art, research and potentially lifelong treatments for persons with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and their families in the Philadelphia region and southern New Jersey.

Innovative treatments are provided in comprehensive inpatient and transitional outpatient rehabilitation and community re-entry programs, including a full complement of vocational services, a brain injury clubhouse, a residential treatment facility, a concussion center, and a neuro-mental health clinic specialized for the needs of people with TBI and other neurologic disorders.

The TBIMS program exemplifies a culture of clinical research integration in which patients across the continuum of care are provided an opportunity to participate in cutting-edge studies to help advance scientific and clinical knowledge.

For more information about TBI research at the Jefferson Rehabilitation Research Institute, visit Dr. Rabinowitz’s lab page, Brain Injury Neuropsychology Laboratory.

What Is a Model System?

A Model System is a center of excellence for both treatment and research related to a particular disability. It is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).

How Does a TBI Center Become a TBI Model System?

NIDILRR gives Model System awards to centers with:

The Drucker Brain Injury Center at MossRehab provides a full continuum of care to persons with TBI and was one of the first centers of its kind on the East Coast.

The Jefferson Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute runs the Moss TBI Model System research program, which includes projects conducted locally as well as projects that represent collaborations between Moss and other Model System centers. In addition, information on MossRehab TBI Model System patients is added to the national database that contains data from thousands of people with TBI. This database is used to study the factors that predict recovery and outcomes of TBI. More information on the national database, including a full listing and syllabus describing all the data elements, may be found at the website of the TBI Model System National Data and Statistical Center at Craig Hospital.

The leaders and collaborators in the Moss TBIMS are nationally and internationally recognized for their professional and consumer outreach efforts. For more information on knowledge generated in the TBI Model System program, see the website of the Model System Knowledge Translation Center at American Institute for Research and the TBI Model System Research Publication Database.

What Does the Moss TBIMS Do?

The Moss TBIMS conducts longitudinal research in collaboration with other premier centers across the nation, and local research designed to improve TBI treatments and outcomes. For the 2017 through 2022 grant cycle, the Moss TBIMS is investigating the effects of Behavioral Activation therapy combined with mobile technology to reduce depression and anxiety following TBI. The 2017-2022 Moss TBIMS also collaborates with other centers on time-limited modular studies of specific topics of high interest.

The Moss TBIMS includes patients with moderate to severe TBI, either penetrating or non-penetrating, who receive inpatient rehabilitation care at Moss and acute care at one of several local Trauma Centers. Participants receive on-going longitudinal follow-up and special opportunities for research participation. Patients with TBI who are not eligible for the TBIMS may also be invited to participate in research. Of course, the clinical continuum of care at the Drucker Center is available to all patients with TBI regardless of research participation.

In addition to its treatment and research activities, our Model System includes:

An Advisory Council made up of treatment staff, former patients and members of their families, and community members who are helping us improve our clinical services, research efforts, and educational/outreach activities.

Extra follow-up services to help us keep better track of patients who are out of the hospital, to make sure they get the services they need.

Conferences for persons with brain injury, their families, and professionals in the field, run by our TBIMS in collaboration with other rehabilitation facilities and the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania.

Information to benefit college students with TBI: In collaboration with Mary Kennedy, PhD, we compiled this Tip Sheet for College Disability Specialists and educators to help them work more effectively with college students who have executive function deficits due to TBI. The tip sheet explains the unique challenges experienced by students with TBI in a college environment and spells out strategies for helping them to succeed.

The consumer materials listed below were produced through a collaboration between the MSKTC and the TBI Model Systems. This health information is based on research evidence and/or professional consensus and has been reviewed and approved by an editorial team of experts from the TBI Model Systems.