Aphasia Center
Outcome Measurement based on the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia: Vol. 1
The MossRehab Aphasia Center was founded on the principles of the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA, Chapey et al., 2000). These principles include:
- Explicit goal is enhancement of life participation
- Services are available to all affected by aphasia
- Assessment and intervention targets personal and environmental factors
- Success is measured by documented life changes
The importance of adherence to these principles is brought into sharp relief by recent evidence:
- 20% of persons with aphasia report having no friends at 6-months post-stroke (Aphasia Access White Paper, Simmons-Mackie, 2018)
- Best Practice Recommendations (Shrubsole et al., 2017; Simmons-Mackie et al., 2017)
- Access for all persons with aphasia
- Assessment and treatment
- Meaningful impact on quality of life
- Goals people with aphasia have for themselves (e.g., Worrall et al., 2011)
- Greater control and independence
- More social opportunities
- Access for all persons with aphasia
The question is, how can we make measurement of life changes feasible and practical when confronted with the reality of clinical practice? Is it possible to measure objectively what is in many ways a subjective experience?
We propose that the answer is, yes! In the weeks to come, we will be posting a series on suggestions for strategic outcome measurement based on the principles of the LPAA. Each of these will be based on the following, fictitious, case example.
Donna is a 67 y/o woman, 14-months s/p ischemic L MCA affecting fronto- parietal and superior temporal cortex, sparing Wernicke’s area. She is right-handed and is a native English speaker. She worked as an outpatient coordinator for a local children’s specialized hospital for 25 years, having retired 6 months prior to her stroke. She has 5 adult children and 15 grandchildren ranging in age from 15 years to 3 months. A month prior to her stroke, she and her husband rescued a 7 year-old American Staffordshire Terrier from a local shelter.
Per WAB-R, Donna presents with conduction aphasia, but her language production may be better characterized as borderline fluent with mild apraxia of speech. Word retrieval difficulty is characterized by use of non-specific words (thing/stuff, pronouns without antecedents), empty circumlocution, frequent pauses lasting longer than 2 seconds, and comments indicating difficulty. Agraphia without alexia is also present. She and her husband both report that she spends most of her days watching TV, which was not her habit prior to her stroke.
In today’s post, we’ll demonstrate one tool, Key Life Inventories (Simmons-Mackie & Damico, 2001), which can be used to proceed from initial assessment to an outcome that reflects this client and her co-survivor’s goals for themselves.
Key Life Inventories can serve as practical method to organize your conversation and support clients in reflecting on their lives, what has changed since their stroke, and what is going to important to them moving forward. People with aphasia may need multimodality assistance to comprehend what information is being asked of them and to express that information. Visual aids, such as the LIV cards (Haley et al., 2010) and the Assessment for Living with Aphasia (Kagan et al., 2010) are two examples of clinical tools that can provide that support.
The first step will be to help your client think about what activities were important to them before the stroke, whether those activities are still important to them, and any new things that have become important to them since the stroke. Below is an example Key Life Inventory for Donna.
The next step will be to help the client think about the, “What now?“. How will this exercise be used to move toward goals they have for themselves? In doing so, it can be important to help clients communicate about what strengths they have and how those strengths can be harnessed in the pursuit of priorities, whether they are the same those before the stroke or are new.
Help clients think about not only activities in which they want to engage, but also how engaging in those activities will move them toward fulfillment of the responsibilities they feel in the relationships and roles they have in their lives. Below are some examples from Donna’s case.
Just as clients don’t tend to come to us with goals like, “I want to increase my auditory comprehension to 80% accuracy”, we cannot work toward a goal to “host a pot luck family dinner with 80% accuracy”. We must apply clinical expertise to translate Donna’s desired outcomes into cognitive-linguistic skills and tasks and communicative competencies, and to determine any internal or external barriers that need to be addressed.
In Donna’s elaborated Key Life Inventory below, we now position the newly established goals as the starting point that informs the choice of clinical tools to:
- Determine the skills required and how to train/support/facilitate progress
- Identify any internal (e.g., lack of confidence) and external barriers to progress
- Confirm plan with the client, implement plan, assess/measure progress
In the next post in our series, we’ll examine how we might engage Donna and her co-survivor in ongoing conversation about progress toward her cognitive-linguistic goals, as well as positive change in Donna’s communication confidence, and how we might assess the degree to which the treatment strategies we’ve chosen are facilitating progress toward these goals.
Portions of this post were originally presented at the 2018 ASHA Convention in a talk entitled, Strategic outcome measurement using the life participation approach to aphasia, presented by the Aphasia Access Research Working Group (Antonucci, Cherney, Kagan, Haley, Holland, Schwartz, Simmons-Mackie, & Kiran).
Online resources
References and published resources
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