Aphasia Center
Living Well with Aphasia (Volume 3)
What are some ways to practice reading with aphasia?
Read and listen at the same time
1. Try audiobooks
2. Use captions when you watch tv or movies
3. Use the text-to-speech tool on your device
Help yourself focus on the words
1. Find a quiet place
2. Read one part at a time.
Cut out the window of an envelope. Use it focus on one section at a time.
Cover all but the line you’re reading.
Point and read one word at a time.
Read more quickly
Sometimes reading takes too long. Here’s one way to get faster.
1. Choose something short (~100 words). Make sure it’s interesting!
2. Ask someone to listen as you read
- Ask them to time you
- Ask them to help you if you make a mistake
3. Practice over and over until
- You can read ~ 50-100 words / minute
- You don’t make mistakes
4. Choose a new article and start again!
For more information, visit the Aphasia Center page or contact Sharon Antonucci at Sharon.Antonucci@jefferson.edu.